Thursday, September 29, 2005

FAQ: Are there other Peace Corps Volunteers in your community?

No. I'm the only mzungu in my village except for the Chinese road crew. The
nearest PCV is about an hour away. Yesterday my associate Peace Corps
director, a Kenyan and second to head honcho in Peace Corps Kenya, came to
visit my site. He had with him a guest from Peace Corps Washington and boy
did I ever unleash a barrage of pent-up American small talk on him. I didn't
realize how long it has been since I've talked to an American who lives in
America. And how different it is from talking to an American who has been in
Kenya for four months. Lookout Kroll, you'll be the first in a few weeks,
unless I cross paths with some unfortunate tourists soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justina,

I stumbled upon your blog while searching for blogs of pcvs....and yours is so interesting! I am graduating from law school next year and intend to join the pc and go to africa for for business development. Your blog has been very helpful in allowing me to better anticipate what to expect.

5:01 AM  

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